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Explora los mejores artículos de Foot & Ankle International / Explore top articles from Foot & Ankle International

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Explore top-read articles from Foot & Ankle International, free for a limited time!**
Prospective, Randomized, Multi-centered Clinical Trial Assessing Safety and Efficacy of a Synthetic Cartilage Implant Versus First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis in Advanced Hallux Rigidus by Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH, Dishan Singh, FRCS, Mark Glazebrook, MSc, PhD, MD, FRCSC, Chris Blundell, MBChB, FRCS, Gwyneth De Vries, MSc, MD, FRCSC, Ian L. D. Le, MD, FRCSC, Dominic Nielsen, FRCS, M. Elizabeth Pedersen, MD, FRCSC, Anthony Sakellariou, MBBS, FRCS, Matthew Solan, FRCS, Guy Wansbrough, MBBS, FRCS, Alastair S. E. Younger, MD, FRCSC, and Timothy Daniels, MD, FRCSC

Return to Play in National Football League Players After Operative Jones Fracture Treatment by Craig R. Lareau, MD, Andrew R. Hsu, MD, and Robert B. Anderson, MD

Intramedullary Fixation for Fractures of the Distal Fibula by David M. Walton, MD, Samuel B. Adams, MD, and Selene G. Parekh, MD, MBA

Joint Mobilization and Stretching Exercise vs Steroid Injection in the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis: A Randomized Controlled Study by Derya Celik, PhD, Gamze Kuş, MSc, PT, and Serkan Önder Sırma, MD

Charcot Arthropathy of the Foot and Ankle by Patrick K. Strotman, MD, Taylor J. Reif, MD, and Michael S. Pinzur, MD

Effect of Obesity on Total Ankle Arthroplasty Outcomes by Oliver N. Schipper, MD, Sahitya K. Denduluri, BA, Ying Zhou, PhD, and Steven L. Haddad, MD

Comparison of Osteochondral Autografts and Allografts for Treatment of Recurrent or Large Talar Osteochondral Lesions by Jamal Ahmad, MD and Kennis Jones, BA

Operative Treatment of Fifth Metatarsal Jones Fractures (Zones II and III) in the NBAby Martin O’Malley, MD, Bridget DeSandis, BA, Answorth Allen, MD, Matthew Levitsky, BA, Quinn O’Malley, and Riley Williams, MD

Randomized, Prospective Study of the Order of Preoperative Preparation Solutions for Patients Undergoing Foot and Ankle Orthopedic Surgery by Joshua G. Hunter, MD, Laura K. Dawson, DO, Sandeep P. Soin, MD, and Judith F. Baumhauer, MD, MPH

Long-Term Outcome of Open Plantar Fascia Release by Alasdair MacInnes, MBChB, MRCS, Sam C. Roberts, MBChB, FRCS (Orth), Jessica Kimpton, MBChB, MRes, and Anand Pillai, MS, FRCS (Orth)

Foot & Ankle International (FAI), in publication since 1980, is the official journal of the American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society (AOFAS). This monthly medical journal emphasizes surgical and medical management as it relates to the foot and ankle with a specific focus on reconstructive, trauma, and sports-related conditions utilizing the latest technological advances.

*Source: 2016 Journal Citation Reports® (Clarivate Analytics, 2017)
**You may already have access to these articles through a library or other subscription

Tratamiento de Hallux Valgus: prueba diagnóstica actual y tratamiento quirúrgico realizado por cirujanos alemanes de pie y tobillo

Treatment of Hallux Valgus: Current Diagnostic Testing and Surgical Treatment Performed by German Foot and Ankle Surgeons



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Arbab D1, Schneider LM2, Schnurr C3, Bouillon B4, Eysel P5, König DP6.

2017 Nov 10. doi: 10.1055/s-0043-120352. [Epub ahead of print]
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© 2017 Georg Thieme Verlag KG




Hallux valgus is one of the most prevalent foot deformities, and surgical treatment of Hallux valgus is one of the most common procedures in foot and ankle surgery. Diagnostic and treatment standards show large variation despite medical guidelines and national foot and ankle societies. The aim of this nationwide survey is a description of the current status of diagnostics and therapy of Hallux valgus in Germany. Material and Methods A nationwide online questionnaire survey was sent to two German foot and ankle societies. The participants were asked to answer a questionnaire of 53 questions with four subgroups (general, diagnostics, operation, preoperative management). Surgical treatment for three clinical cases demonstrating a mild, moderate and severe Hallux valgus deformity was inquired. Results 427 foot and ankle surgeons answered the questionnaire. 388 participants were certified foot and ankle surgeons from one or both foot and ankle societies. Medical history (78%), preoperative radiographs (100%) and preoperative radiographic management (78%) are of high or very high importance for surgical decision pathway. Outcome scores are used by less than 20% regularly. Open surgery is still the gold standard, whereas minimally invasive surgery is performed by only 7%. Conclusion Our survey showed that diagnostic standards are met regularly. There is a wide variation in the type of procedures used to treat Hallux valgus deformity. TMT I arthrodesis is preferred in severe Hallux valgus, but also used to treat moderate and mild deformities. Minimally invasive surgery is still used by a minority of surgeons. It remains to be seen, to what extent minimally invasive surgery will be performed in the future.




Hallux valgus es una de las deformidades más frecuentes del pie, y el tratamiento quirúrgico de Hallux valgus es uno de los procedimientos más comunes en la cirugía de pie y tobillo. Los estándares de diagnóstico y tratamiento muestran una gran variación a pesar de las pautas médicas y las sociedades nacionales de pie y tobillo. El objetivo de esta encuesta nacional es una descripción del estado actual de diagnóstico y terapia de Hallux valgus en Alemania. Material y métodos Se envió una encuesta de cuestionario en línea a nivel nacional a dos sociedades alemanas de pie y tobillo. Se solicitó a los participantes que respondieran un cuestionario de 53 preguntas con cuatro subgrupos (general, diagnóstico, operación, manejo preoperatorio). Se indagó en el tratamiento quirúrgico de tres casos clínicos que demostraron una deformidad de Hallux valgo leve, moderada y grave. Resultados 427 cirujanos de pie y tobillo respondieron el cuestionario. 388 participantes fueron certificados cirujanos de pie y tobillo de una o ambas sociedades de pie y tobillo. La historia clínica (78%), las radiografías preoperatorias (100%) y el manejo radiográfico preoperatorio (78%) son de alta o muy alta importancia para la vía de decisión quirúrgica. Los puntajes de resultados son usados ​​por menos del 20% regularmente. La cirugía abierta sigue siendo el estándar de oro, mientras que la cirugía mínimamente invasiva se realiza solo en un 7%. Conclusión Nuestra encuesta mostró que los estándares de diagnóstico se cumplen regularmente. Existe una amplia variación en el tipo de procedimientos utilizados para tratar la deformidad de Hallux valgus. La artrodesis TMT I se prefiere en Hallux valgus severo, pero también se usa para tratar deformidades moderadas y leves. La cirugía mínimamente invasiva todavía es utilizada por una minoría de cirujanos. Queda por ver hasta qué punto se realizará cirugía mínimamente invasiva en el futuro.

PMID:   29126340   DOI:   10.1055/s-0043-120352

Sesión conjunta de la SMMCP y el Capítulo de Residentes en Ortopedia del CMO

Reanudamos las sesiones mensuales conjuntas del capítulo de Residentes. En esta ocasión será fuera del colegio, en el Hopital German Díaz Lombardo, con capítulo de Pie y tobillo del CMO. Será el día miércoles 21 de junio a las 8.30 horas. Contamos con su presencia!



Conceptos actuales en lesiones de pie y tobillo

Current Concepts In Foot & Ankle Injuries



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Courtesy: Prof Nabil Ebraheim, University of Toledo, Ohio, USA



Dr. Ebraheim animated educational video describing current concepts of foot and ankle injuries.

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